Columbia Region E-letter

E-Letter Columbia Region June 2024 E-letter Provincial May 2024 E-letter Columbia Region April 2024 E-letter Columbia Region February 2024 E-letter Columbia Region December 2023 E-letter Columbia Region September 2023 E-letter Columbia Region August 2023 E-letter […]

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Photo: FWCP

Peace Region E-letter

E-letter Peace Region June 2024  E-letter Provincial May 2024 E-letter Peace Region April 2024 E-letter Peace Region February 2024 E-letter Peace Region December 2023 E-letter Peace Region September 2023 E-letter Peace Region August 2023 E-letter […]

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Photo: Roy V Rea


Get ready for Toadfest 2024: coming this July! Save the date for Toadfest at Summit Lake Provincial Park near Nakusp: Tuesday, July 30, 4 – 7 p.m. PT Wednesday, July 31, 9 a.m. – noon […]

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Photo: Barb Houston

Coastal Region E-letter

E-letter Provincial May 2024 E-letter Coastal Region April 2024 E-letter Coastal Region February 2024 E-letter Coastal Region December 2023 E-letter Coastal Region October 2023 E-letter Coastal Region September 2023 E-letter Coastal Region June 2023 E-letter […]

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Photo: NSOBP

New Columbia Region board member!

Greg Rickbeil: new public representative for our Columbia Region board! Meet Greg. He’s the newest member of our Columbia Region board, that is responsible for all funding decisions and the region’s annual operating plan. There […]

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Photo: G. Rickbeil

Show news from for for

Predictive wetland riparian habitat model

Refer to predictive habitat tool for wetland and riparian projects A recent project funded by FWCP and led by B.C.’s Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy resulted in a predictive wetland riparian habitat model […]

Peace Region

Columbia Region Five-Year Fisheries Program Plan

Follow our guidance for fisheries projects in our Columbia Region Our Columbia Region Annual Ongoing Fisheries Program Five Year Plan 2021-2026 details our delivery approach for directed fisheries priorities and projects. Directed projects are not […]

Columbia Region

Floating loon platforms double nest success on Whatshan Reservoir

Five floating nesting platforms on Whatshan Reservoir, near Fauqiuer, are proving successful in enhancing Common Loon productivity. Since 2013, the average nesting success has increased from 29% to 61% of pairs effectively hatching young. Productivity […]

Columbia Region

Bull Trout Guidance: Information Synthesis and Monitoring Plan

Follow our Bull Trout Guidance The FWCP funds Bull Trout projects that align with our 2019 Bull Trout information synthesis and monitoring framework report. The synthesis identifies Bull trout biology and limiting factors, potential enhancement […]

Peace Region

Toadfest 2019 Photos

Toadfest turned 10! Toadfest celebrated its 10th anniversary at Summit Lake Provincial Park on August 21 and 22, 2019 with 500 celebrants who learnt all about Western Toads and other species in the local area. They […]

Columbia Region

Wendy Booth Joins Columbia Region Board

New Public Representative joins FWCP Columbia Region Board Wendy Booth has been selected as the new Public Representative on our Columbia Region Board. Wendy was a director with the Regional District of East Kootenay for […]

Columbia Region

Fish Passage Decision Framework

Follow our guidance for fish passage projects Fish passage framework Proponents looking for an FWCP grant to evaluate opportunities to restore fish production above BC Hydro facilities that previously blocked fish passage are required to […]

Coastal Region

Campbell River Gravel Restoration Strategy

Follow our Campbell River Gravel Restoration Strategy The mainstem Campbell River is important for spawning Chinook Salmon. In 2018, the FWCP funded a multi-stakeholder process to develop a strategy for salmon spawning habitat enhancement and […]

Coastal Region

Habitat conserved near Columbia Wetlands

The FWCP provided $400,000 towards the purchase of 423 acres to help conserve the Columbia Wetlands near Edgewater. The conservation property has outstanding habitat and connectivity for Grizzly Bears and American Badgers, winter range for […]

Columbia Region