Coastal Region E-letter

  E-letter Provincial August 2024 E-letter Provincial May 2024 E-letter Coastal Region April 2024 E-letter Coastal Region February 2024 E-letter Coastal Region December 2023 E-letter Coastal Region October 2023 E-letter Coastal Region September 2023 E-letter […]

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Photo: Fernando Lessa

Columbia Region E-letter

E-Letter Columbia Region July 2024 E-Letter Columbia Region June 2024 E-letter Provincial May 2024 E-letter Columbia Region April 2024 E-letter Columbia Region February 2024 E-letter Columbia Region December 2023 E-letter Columbia Region September 2023 E-letter […]

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Photo: FWCP

Peace Region E-letter

E-letter Peace Region July 2024  E-letter Peace Region June 2024  E-letter Provincial May 2024 E-letter Peace Region April 2024 E-letter Peace Region February 2024 E-letter Peace Region December 2023 E-letter Peace Region September 2023 E-letter […]

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Photo: SERNbc

Toadfest 2024 Cancelled

Toadfest 2024 Cancelled Organizers have cancelled plans for Toadfest 2024 due to the local wildfires, smoke and road closures. There will be no public event this year and organizers are discouraging visitors to Summit Lake […]

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Photo: Barb Houston

New Columbia Region board member!

Greg Rickbeil: new public representative for our Columbia Region board! Meet Greg. He’s the newest member of our Columbia Region board, that is responsible for all funding decisions and the region’s annual operating plan. There […]

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Photo: G. Rickbeil

All News

Search for in for for

Arctic Grayling abundance could be trending upwards

Studying Arctic Grayling in our Peace Region 2018 snorkelling counts of Arctic Grayling in long-term index sections of the Parsnip River Watershed were the highest on record for five of the six sites surveyed (all […]

Peace Region

63 projects funded in Upper Kootenay Watershed

Upper Kootenay Ecosystem Enhancement Plan (UKEEP) Great news for fish and wildlife in the Upper Kootenay River Watershed: sixty-three conservation and and enhancement projects have been funded since 2014. That’s $2.9 million for 23 fish […]

Columbia Region

Securing conservation lands in our Coastal Region

70 ha protected in Great Bear Rainforest Salmon sanctuary protected in Great Bear Rainforest: the last unprotected private property at the mouth of the Bella Coola River has been protected by the Nature Conservancy of […]

Coastal Region

Studying Northern Myotis Bats

29 bats captured In Year 1, 58,322 bat passes from 895 detector nights of recording at 28 locations were analyzed. A total of 29 bats were captured, including four Northern Myotis. VHF transmitters were affixed […]

Peace Region

1,179 potential huckleberry sites visited

Protecting grizzlies by learning more about huckleberries Predicting the location of huckleberry patches important to Grizzly Bears is key to habitat protection. In an FWCP-funded project, 1,179 potential huckleberry sites were visited—including 332 in 2019—and […]

Columbia Region

Wanted: your fish guts!

In 2018—19 the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) in the Columbia Region is funding 55 projects for a total project investment of more than $6 million. One of those projects, coordinated by the Province […]

Columbia Region

Release of Vancouver Island Marmots reaches milestone

FWCP helping one of the rarest mammals in the world The Vancouver Island marmot is among the world’s most endangered mammals, but a captive breeding program, supported by the FWCP, is helping to turn numbers […]

Coastal Region

Wetland Restoration Helps Endangered Frogs

Northern Leopard Frogs Benefit from Restored Wetlands Approximately 3.4 hectares of wetland were restored in November and December 2016 in the Creston Valley through a joint initiative between the FWCP, the Ministry of Forests, Lands […]

Columbia Region