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356 Results Found

Tagging Puntledge Summer Chinook

May 25, 2016

Puntledge Summer Chinook Parentage‐Based Tagging Study: Year 3 This project will use genetic methods, known as parentage‐based tagging, to identify individual summer‐run Chinook Salmon back to parental crosses (both in the hatchery and in the wild) to […]

Arctic Grayling Investigation

May 25, 2016

Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program: Peace Arctic Grayling Investigation This directed project’s objective is to collect available information on Arctic Grayling status, trends, and their habitat in FWCP’s Peace Region, and explain what knowledge gaps remain before conservation efforts […]

Taking the Classroom Outside: School Ecology Program

May 25, 2016

School Ecology Program This project is intended to augment the school life science curriculum by exposing students to workshops on local ecology and conservation, and to build stronger ties with the local Aboriginal community. The Board has […]

Identifying Critical Bull Trout Spawning Zones

May 25, 2016

Peace: Identification of Critical Bull Trout Spawning Zones This project will provide preliminary information about adfluvial Bull Trout spawning zones in tributaries of the Peace Reach of Williston Reservoir, and will augment baseline information for future long‐term monitoring […]

Nutrient Restortion for Bull Trout and Rainbow Trout

May 12, 2016

Qua/Curtis Crystal Green Nutrient Restoration Preparation This project aims to assess baseline productivity and to evaluate the systems as candidates for nutrient restoration using Ostara’s Crystal Green pellet solid fertilizer additions. These pelllets help augment fry growth, […]

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