Provincial Map

Explore our Coastal Region 2024–2025 projects

Use our interactive map to find out more about the 27 projects our Coastal Region board approved for 2024–2025.

Read our project list

27 Total 2024-25 Projects

14 Fish Projects 2024-25

13 Wildlife Projects 2024-25

$1.7M Total Funded 2024-25

Join our Coastal Region board

We’re looking for two fresh faces to join our Coastal Region board!

  • Want to make a difference for fish and wildlife and be part of a supportive team?
  • Are you looking for a paid professional development opportunity?
  • Maybe you want to network, sharpen your decision-making skills, be part of a team, and
  • Further your commitment to reconciliation.

If that resonates, please apply by Thursday, April 17. Learn more about how you can apply!

You’ll be joining a board that allocates close to $2 million each year to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife projects in watersheds impacted by BC Hydro dams.

We’re a supportive team that meets mostly online and sets meeting dates in advance so you can plan the rest of your life. And you’ll be making important decisions that have direct and often immediate benefits for fish and wildlife. While you’re adding to your skills and experience.


2023-2024 year in review

Learn how the projects we funded last year in our Coastal Region helped to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife in watersheds impacted by BC Hydro dams. Our annual reports provide an overview of our work for the year, and our project outcomes share results from the projects funded by our Coastal Region board.

2024–2025 fish & wildlife projects

Board approves 27 fish & wildlife projects 

Our Coastal Region board approved more than ~ $1.7 million for 27 projects for 2024-2025. The projects—14 fish and 13 wildlife—will be delivered by First Nations, communities and businesses, as well as agencies, stewardship groups, and consultants.

The projects align with our priorities for riparian areas, wetlands, uplands, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. The projects are diverse and support a wide range of species including sockeye, Chinook, chum and other salmonids, as well as bats, western painted turtles, black swifts, western screech-owls, and whitebark pine.

The 2024-2025 projects will support recovery of the endangered Vancouver Island marmot, the captive breeding of endangered northern spotted owls, and restoration of a former sawmill to support salmon populations and habitat improvements. Work to restore and improve flows in the Cheakamus River estuary and projects to support improvements to fish passage in Lower Mainland watersheds will continue.

Read our Coastal Region 2024–2025 project list, look at our project map, and scroll up to explore our interactive map.

Results? Read Our Reports

Each year, stewardship groups, First Nations, agencies and consultants receive grants from us to deliver fish and wildlife projects. These projects align with our Action Plans, and help us fulfil our mission to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife in watersheds impacted by BC Hydro dams. Read our project reports for results and outcomes.

Download Report List

Grants Available Now

In addition to our annual grant intake, we have other grants available all year, until the funding is allocated.

Community Engagement Grants of up to $1,500 can help stewardship groups and others.

Land Securement Grants help conserve critical ecosystems and habitats.

Seed Grants up to a maximum of $5,000 can help explore the feasibility of your project.

Contact a region manager to learn more.


Vancouver Island Marmot

Action Plans

We have identified conservation priorities for fish and wildlife in each of our three regions: Coastal, Columbia and Peace. These priorities and recommended actions are reflected in a series of watershed and ecosystem-based action plans that vary by region.

These plans recommend specific projects and priorities, and guide our grant decisions. In our Coastal Region, we fund projects that align with our 14 Coastal Region watershed-based action plans. Be sure to read our Overview of Coastal Region Watershed Action Plans.

Our Coastal Region

A local Board made up of BC Hydro, the Province of B.C., Fisheries and Oceans Canada, First Nations and public stakeholders, guides the work of the FWCP and is responsible for approving all FWCP projects in the 14 watersheds that make up our Coastal Region. Map of our Coastal Region.

Most fish and wildlife projects in FWCP’s Coastal Region are funded through FWCP grants, but our Board may choose to direct projects and approve funding to address regional priorities. Read our annual report.

In our Coastal Region, FWCP is a voluntary initiative funded by BC Hydro.

Stay up to date with the latest news from our Coastal Region with our regional e-letter.

View FWCP Organization Chart

Our Coastal Region Board

Coastal Region Board Members (October 2023) are responsible for guiding the FWCP’s work. Their work is supported by fish and wildlife technical committees.

Board members pictured, left to right: Mark Peters, Ryan Stewart, Scott Barrett, Laurie Kremsater, Glen Cartwright, Scott Northrup, Ian Routley, and Larry Casper. Missing: Brian Assu

Coastal Region Board and Committee List

Mark smiling at camera on his bike

Our Coastal Region Manager

Mark comes to the FWCP from a 10-year tenure managing fish and wildlife projects implemented under BC Hydro’s water use plans, particularly in the Bridge-Seton Watershed.

A professional biologist with the B.C. College of Applied Biology, Mark started his career as a vegetation ecologist, working mostly in the Alberta boreal forest and Interior B.C. He moved to an oil and gas company where he helped to restore stream crossings and conserve habitat for species at risk, including caribou, ferruginous hawk, and sharp-tailed grouse.

Mark developed a love for the natural world as a young boy, growing up in a family of naturalists. This early connection has shaped his career. He enjoys outdoor activities, most often hiking on forest trails with his wife, Diane, and Abe, their dog. Mark has a grown son, Shimon, who lives in Toronto.

If you have any questions about the FWCP’s work in the Columbia Region, please contact Mark.
