Columbia Region E-letter

E-Letter Columbia Region June 2024 E-letter Provincial May 2024 E-letter Columbia Region April 2024 E-letter Columbia Region February 2024 E-letter Columbia Region December 2023 E-letter Columbia Region September 2023 E-letter Columbia Region August 2023 E-letter […]

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Photo: FWCP

Peace Region E-letter

E-letter Peace Region June 2024  E-letter Provincial May 2024 E-letter Peace Region April 2024 E-letter Peace Region February 2024 E-letter Peace Region December 2023 E-letter Peace Region September 2023 E-letter Peace Region August 2023 E-letter […]

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Photo: Roy V Rea


Get ready for Toadfest 2024: coming this July! Save the date for Toadfest at Summit Lake Provincial Park near Nakusp: Tuesday, July 30, 4 – 7 p.m. PT Wednesday, July 31, 9 a.m. – noon […]

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Photo: Barb Houston

Coastal Region E-letter

E-letter Provincial May 2024 E-letter Coastal Region April 2024 E-letter Coastal Region February 2024 E-letter Coastal Region December 2023 E-letter Coastal Region October 2023 E-letter Coastal Region September 2023 E-letter Coastal Region June 2023 E-letter […]

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Photo: NSOBP

New Columbia Region board member!

Greg Rickbeil: new public representative for our Columbia Region board! Meet Greg. He’s the newest member of our Columbia Region board, that is responsible for all funding decisions and the region’s annual operating plan. There […]

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Photo: G. Rickbeil

Show news from for for

Restoring Lillooet Sub‐Population of Spotted Owls

Restoration of the Lillooet Sub‐Populations of Spotted Owls This project’s goal is to restore the Spotted Owl population within the northern extent of the Lillooet sub‐population of Spotted Owls by conducting inventories to find and protect the […]

Coastal Region

Restoring Endangered Whitebark Pine in St’at’imc Territory

Whitebark Pine Restoration in the St’at’imc Territory Whitebark Pine is an endangered keystone species of high elevation ecosystems. The most effective means for Whitebark Pine recovery is through promoting the regeneration of Blister Rust‐resistant seedlings via planting […]

Coastal Region
Coastal Tailed Frog: J. Hobbs

Using eDNA to Assess Tailed Frogs

Tailed Frog eDNA Assessment in the Bridge/Seton Watersheds The Tailed Frog has been identified as a management priority within FWCP’s Bridge‐Seton Species Action Plan. Up to 75 streams within the FWCP application area, will be inventoried using […]

Coastal Region

Conserving Riparian Habitats and Species‐at‐Risk in the Wahleach Watershed

Riparian Habitats and Species‐at‐Risk in Wahleach Watershed This project will create a vegetation community map of riparian habitats and inventory FWCP high‐priority, species‐at‐risk (SAR) in the Wahleach Watershed. The project will create a species‐specific inventory, in order […]

Coastal Region
Two owls perched

Conserving Species‐at‐Risk in the Stave River Watershed

Species‐at‐Risk Conservation in the Stave River Watershed This project will identify, protect, monitor and restore species‐at‐risk (SAR) and their habitats in the Stave River Watershed. Benefits to overall biodiversity in the watershed will be observed through multiple […]

Coastal Region

Improving Fish Habitat in the Shuswap River Watershed

Middle Shuswap River Off‐Channel Access Assessment This project will explore off‐channel habitat below Wilsey Dam to determine opportunities for providing rearing habitat for anadromous and resident fish species. This is a seed funding research project that aims […]

Coastal Region

Planning to Improve Fish Habitat on Jordan River

Design/Work Plans for Gravel Placement in Jordan River Reach 1 This project’s goal is to develop the design and work plan for placement of spawning gravel in Reach 1 of the Jordan River (Prescription Site 5 […]

Coastal Region

Supporting Hatchery Efforts to Restore Coquitlam River Sockeye

Coquitlam Sockeye Restoration Using Hatchery Intervention In this project, hatchery intervention initiated in 2015/16, will be used to increase the number of Sockeye smolts that are leaving Coquitlam Reservoir, resulting in an increase of adult Sockeye returning […]

Coastal Region

Restoring Salmon Habitat in the Stave River Watershed

Stave River Watershed: Restoring Salmon Habitat This project aims to increase and diversify off‐channel habitats within the lower two kilometres of the Stave River, to support salmon rearing and overwintering. This project will improve monitoring of water […]

Coastal Region