Toadfest 2024 Cancelled

Toadfest 2024 Cancelled Organizers have cancelled plans for Toadfest 2024 due to the local wildfires, smoke and road closures. There will be no public event this year and organizers are discouraging visitors to Summit Lake […]

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Photo: Barb Houston

Columbia Region E-letter

E-Letter Columbia Region June 2024 E-letter Provincial May 2024 E-letter Columbia Region April 2024 E-letter Columbia Region February 2024 E-letter Columbia Region December 2023 E-letter Columbia Region September 2023 E-letter Columbia Region August 2023 E-letter […]

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Photo: FWCP

Peace Region E-letter

E-letter Peace Region June 2024  E-letter Provincial May 2024 E-letter Peace Region April 2024 E-letter Peace Region February 2024 E-letter Peace Region December 2023 E-letter Peace Region September 2023 E-letter Peace Region August 2023 E-letter […]

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Photo: Roy V Rea

Coastal Region E-letter

E-letter Provincial May 2024 E-letter Coastal Region April 2024 E-letter Coastal Region February 2024 E-letter Coastal Region December 2023 E-letter Coastal Region October 2023 E-letter Coastal Region September 2023 E-letter Coastal Region June 2023 E-letter […]

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Photo: NSOBP

New Columbia Region board member!

Greg Rickbeil: new public representative for our Columbia Region board! Meet Greg. He’s the newest member of our Columbia Region board, that is responsible for all funding decisions and the region’s annual operating plan. There […]

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Photo: G. Rickbeil

All News

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Assessing Fish Restoration in the Puntledge River Watershed

Assessment of Past Puntledge River Restoration Projects The K’ómoks Guardians will assess the physical and biological performance (juvenile use, adult spawning and incubation survival) of side‐channels and restored habitat in the Puntledge River, to determine whether they […]

Coastal Region

Restoring Fish Habitat in the Puntledge River Headpond

Small Woody Debris Restoration in the Puntledge River Headpond This pilot project will determine whether the addition of strategically placed Small Woody Debris (SWD) in the Puntledge River headpond could potentially reduce summer Chinook Salmon fry entrainment […]

Coastal Region

Monitoring Fish Habitat Structures in Grilse Creek

Grilse Creek LWD Post‐Construction Maintenance & Monitoring In 2014, the British Columbia Conservation Foundation, with FWCP funding, re‐built 18 Large Woody Debris (LWD) structures in the lowest three‐kilometre reach of Grilse Creek, a headwater tributary of the […]

Coastal Region

Monitoring Sockeye in the Alouette River Watershed

Alouette Sockeye Adult Enumeration Monitor (Bridging 2016) This project not only provides information about Alouette returning Sockeye, their health and genetic data, but will also provide the Sockeye with either the means to spawn in their native […]

Coastal Region

Tagging Puntledge Summer Chinook

Puntledge Summer Chinook Parentage‐Based Tagging Study: Year 3 This project will use genetic methods, known as parentage‐based tagging, to identify individual summer‐run Chinook Salmon back to parental crosses (both in the hatchery and in the wild) to […]

Coastal Region

Arctic Grayling Investigation

Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program: Peace Arctic Grayling Investigation This directed project’s objective is to collect available information on Arctic Grayling status, trends, and their habitat in FWCP’s Peace Region, and explain what knowledge gaps remain before conservation efforts […]

Peace Region

Taking the Classroom Outside: School Ecology Program

School Ecology Program This project is intended to augment the school life science curriculum by exposing students to workshops on local ecology and conservation, and to build stronger ties with the local Aboriginal community. The Board has […]

Peace Region

Identifying Critical Bull Trout Spawning Zones

Peace: Identification of Critical Bull Trout Spawning Zones This project will provide preliminary information about adfluvial Bull Trout spawning zones in tributaries of the Peace Reach of Williston Reservoir, and will augment baseline information for future long‐term monitoring […]

Peace Region