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356 Results Found

Helping Endangered Frogs Recover

August 26, 2015

The most at-risk amphibian in B.C. is a species of interest for us. We’ve helped move more than 34,000 tadpoles from Creston to its historical range in the East Kootenay, and we support a captive […]

Update: Juvenile Sturgeon Survival

August 24, 2015

Endangered Columbia River White Sturgeon have been getting help from the FWCP, and locals, who have helped release more than 137,000 juveniles since 2000. Monitoring indicates about one-quarter of these juveniles are surviving. Learn more.

Research Project Nets Rare Bat

August 20, 2015

Researchers funded by FWCP caught at-risk Spotted Bats. These bats, rarely caught, provided valuable information that will help conservation planning when White Nose Syndrome arrives in BC.

Using Mother Nature’s Classroom

July 29, 2015

MacKenzie elementary students took the classroom outside and learned about local ecology with funding from the FWCP. More field trips, led by Wildlife Infometrics, are coming up.

Helping Sustain Summer Chinook

July 29, 2015

The Chinook Salmon summer run is unique, and is a stock of concern in the Puntledge River watershed. Together with our project partners, we’re helping establish a sustaining run of approximately 3,500 adult spawners.

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