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356 Results Found

Hosting Discussions With UNBC: Colloquium Series

May 25, 2016

Peace Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program Colloquium This project provides an education and outreach venue for creating connections and developing relationships with those who have an interest in the area. These events are opportunities to share knowledge […]

Restoring Fish Habitat on Upper Squamish River

May 25, 2016

Upper Squamish River Habitat Restoration Project This project involves restoring several important salmonid watercourses in the upper Squamish River Watershed, including High Falls Creek (adjacent to the Daisy Reservoir Penstocks), Branch 100 Creek, and Mile 22 Creek, […]

Assessing Fish Restoration in the Puntledge River Watershed

May 25, 2016

Assessment of Past Puntledge River Restoration Projects The K’ómoks Guardians will assess the physical and biological performance (juvenile use, adult spawning and incubation survival) of side‐channels and restored habitat in the Puntledge River, to determine whether they […]

Restoring Fish Habitat in the Puntledge River Headpond

May 25, 2016

Small Woody Debris Restoration in the Puntledge River Headpond This pilot project will determine whether the addition of strategically placed Small Woody Debris (SWD) in the Puntledge River headpond could potentially reduce summer Chinook Salmon fry entrainment […]

Monitoring Fish Habitat Structures in Grilse Creek

May 25, 2016

Grilse Creek LWD Post‐Construction Maintenance & Monitoring In 2014, the British Columbia Conservation Foundation, with FWCP funding, re‐built 18 Large Woody Debris (LWD) structures in the lowest three‐kilometre reach of Grilse Creek, a headwater tributary of the […]

Monitoring Sockeye in the Alouette River Watershed

May 25, 2016

Alouette Sockeye Adult Enumeration Monitor (Bridging 2016) This project not only provides information about Alouette returning Sockeye, their health and genetic data, but will also provide the Sockeye with either the means to spawn in their native […]

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