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356 Results Found

Searching for Caribou in the Scott West Herd Area

May 29, 2016

Conservation of Caribou in the Scott West Herd Area Through community engagement (signage, social media, newspaper, radio and hunter interviews) and the use of remotely activated cameras, this project’s goal is to assess the likelihood of a […]

Improving Vegetation in the Drawdown Zone at Williston Reservoir

May 29, 2016

Identification of Flood‐ and Drought‐Tolerant Plant Species This project aims to identify drought‐ and flood‐tolerant plants naturally colonizing Williston Reservoir, and assess their practicality for seed collection and seedling propagation. This information would again be helpful for future […]

Assessing Threatened Caribou Population

May 29, 2016

Population Assessment for the Wolverine Caribou Herd This project will provide up‐to‐date population information on the Wolverine Caribou herd by providing information on the current mortality rates, main causes of mortality, and the pattern and rate of […]

Improving Wildlife Connectivity in the Peace Region

May 29, 2016

Mitigating Wildlife Migration Barriers in the Peace Basin This project will seek to restore connectivity in the Peace Basin, which has been heavily disrupted by hydroelectric reservoirs and related construction, by identifying hotspots of wildlife‐vehicle collisions and […]

Supporting Caribou by Studying Forage Lichens

May 29, 2016

Effects of Logging and MPB on Caribou Forage Lichens This project assesses the effects of Mountain Pine Beetles (MPB) and forest harvesting on caribou terrestrial forage lichens on the Chase, Wolverine and Scott Caribou winter ranges. Learn […]

Studying Westslope Cutthroat Trout Hybridization

May 27, 2016

Westslope Cutthroat Trout Hybridization Evaluation This is year two of a four‐year project aimed at determining the extent of Westslope Cutthroat Trout hybridization with Rainbow Trout in the Upper Kootenay drainage system. Learn more about this […]

Monitoring Mule Deer Survival in the Kootenays

May 27, 2016

Kootenay Mule Deer Survival Monitoring This is a five‐year Mule Deer monitoring project to assess factors limiting population growth and recommend actions to increase abundance. Project spin‐offs will support restoration of Mule Deer habitat in the Upper […]

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