Photo: Wildlife Infometrics
$ 8.7 million for 95 fish and wildlife projects in 2024-2025
27 Coastal Region 2024-2025 fish and wildlife projects
30 Columbia Region 2024-2025 fish and wildlife projects
24 Peace Region 2024-2025 fish and wildlife projects
In 2024-2025 our boards approved $8.7 million for 81 fish and wildlife projects to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife in watersheds impacted by BC Hydro dams. As the projects proceed, we will share results and project outcomes here, including final project reports.
We share project results in our annual reports and project outcomes, through our Coastal, Columbia, and Peace region e-letters, social media, and this page.
Our projects can have immediate benefits to species and ecosystems. For example, if we fund a project to remove a culvert, fish passage can be improved right away. Other projects may take longer to show results. Our funding of recovery efforts for endangered Northern Leopard Frogs, caribou, and Vancouver Island Marmots are examples of where a longer-term commitment is needed before results will be evident.
Coastal Region — Data collected at monitoring stations in the Shuswap River Watershed has confirmed that salmon migration and spawning are impacted during drought conditions. The research in Bessette Creek highlighted the need for adaptive water management.
Read moreColumbia Region — Nutrients were added to the North Arm of Kootenay Lake to improve the food web impacted by reservoir creation. Monitoring showed that kokanee spawner escapement—at nearly 154,000—was still low from a historical perspective, but the highest since 2013.
Read morePeace Region — A maternity pen near Hudson's Hope has been an important part of caribou herd recovery. Replanting is helping to restore the 15-hectare site.
Read moreTo make it easy for you to find project reports and results, we prepare and update searchable spreadsheets for each of our regions. Use these spreadsheets to find the report you want. Contact us anytime if you need help to find a FWCP project report.
FWCP reports and data are posted on provincial databases