Project Results

Photo: Madrone Environmental

$ 8.7 million for 95 fish and wildlife projects in 2024-2025

27 Coastal Region 2024-2025 fish and wildlife projects

30 Columbia Region 2024-2025 fish and wildlife projects

24 Peace Region 2024-2025 fish and wildlife projects

Project Results

In 2024-2025 our boards approved $8.7 million for 81 fish and wildlife projects to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife in watersheds impacted by BC Hydro dams. As the projects proceed, we will share results and project outcomes here, including final project reports.

We share project results in our annual reports, through our Coastal, Columbia, and Peace region e-letters, social media, and this page.

Our projects can have immediate benefits to species and ecosystems. For example, if we fund a project to remove a culvert, fish passage can be improved right away. Other projects may take longer to show results. Our funding of recovery efforts for endangered Northern Leopard Frogs, caribou, and Vancouver Island Marmots are examples of where a longer-term commitment is needed before results will be evident.


Twenty nest boxes installed for western screech-owl

Coastal Region — To improve habitat for western screech-owl in riparian habitat, 20 nest boxes have been installed in the Campbell River Watershed. Assessments of 91 existing nest boxes, along with monitoring over 10 nights, didn’t detect any western screech-owl using any of the boxes.

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More than 100 m² of kokanee spawning habitat enhanced

Columbia Region — Habitat for shore-spawning kokanee in Kootenay Lake has been enhanced during a project we funded by the Friends Of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society. The project team laid gravel on the shoreline to help the kokanee redds stay underwater, enhancing more than 100 square metres of habitat.

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13 km of resource roads restored to caribou habitat

Peace Region — The Nîkanêse Wah tzee Stewardship Society deactivated 13 kilometres of forestry roads and will replant the land to restore habitat for the Klinse-Za caribou herd. ⁠Replanting the former resource roads will make it harder for predators to see the endangered caribou.

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Project Reports and Databases

To make it easy for you to find project reports and results, we prepare and update searchable spreadsheets for each of our regions. Use these spreadsheets to find the report you want. Contact us anytime if you need help to find a FWCP project report.

Coastal Region

Project Report List updated April 18, 2024

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Columbia Region

Project Report List updated June 24, 2024

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Peace Region

Project Report List updated April 9, 2024

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