Bickford Habitat Restoration Pilot
Due to rapid population declines of the Klinse-Za caribou herd, emergency recovery actions, such as predator removal and maternal penning have occurred since 2014. To support long-term sustainability of the herd, habitat restoration and access management are needed to reduce the negative impacts of disturbance. To-date, the Bickford Habitat Restoration Pilot project has resulted in the restoration of 2.3 km of the Fisher Creek forest service road. In this final project year, post-treatment monitoring to determine the effectiveness of the restoration treatments will continue. Outcomes expected include measures of success in reducing human access to caribou habitat and accelerated vegetation succession. Results will also inform future habitat restoration projects for the Klinse-Za/Scott East herd and others.
Update: Over 12,000 seedlings planted in restoration of Mount Bickford forest service road.
The purpose of this project is to reduce negative impacts of disturbance to the at-risk Klinse-Za caribou herd. During this three-year restoration project, 2.3 km (6.9 ha) of a legacy oil and gas road was deactivated and reforested. Camera traps and vegetation plots have been used to monitor the effectiveness of the restoration. Since treatment occurred, motorized access during snow-free periods has been virtually eliminated and only five snow machines have accessed the corridor. Reforestation included the planting of 1,900 hybrid spruce, 7,790 sub-alpine fir, and 2,500 alder seedlings along the corridor in 2018. Educational signage was installed along the restoration site and camera traps have shown people viewing the sign. Tours of the site with First Nations and funding partners have occurred throughout the project, and additional activities, such as presentations at trade shows and workshops, have facilitated information sharing.