Restoring fish habitat in Campbell River Watershed

Project Year: 2017-2018


Project Lead

A-Tlegay Fisheries Society


Coastal Region


Project Type

Research & Information Acquisition

FWCP Contribution


Action Plan Alignment

Campbell Salmonid Action Plan

Project ID


Quinsam River Fish Habitat Restoration Plan

The Lower Quinsam River Fish Habitat Restoration Plan will provide a list of achievable and prioritized habitat restoration projects. The restoration plan will focus on the Quinsam River, upstream of the hatchery fence to the outlet of Lower Quinsam Lake. This reach is approximately 24-kms long. The deliverable will be a summarized list of specific projects outlining project components, construction details and limitations, estimated costs, and priority for completion. The techniques will incorporate a range of accepted standards for habitat restoration, including instream habitat, riparian habitat, tributary enhancement, wetland connectivity, water-quality enhancements, and habitat conservation, where appropriate.