Grizzly Bear Coexistence Solutions
The Grizzly Bear Coexistence Solutions project, led by Sanders Environmental Services, will promote coexistence between Grizzly Bears and rural residents through education, collaboration, and the use of practical tools, such as correctly installed electric fencing to prevent bear conflicts and associated Grizzly Bear mortalities in low-elevation linkage habitats that often overlap with agricultural lands. As conflicts are reduced, there will be improved Grizzly Bear conservation status in the region, including enhanced connectivity between core Grizzly Bear populations.
Update: More than 150 new electric fences installed to reduce grizzly bear mortality
One hundred and fifty new electric fences have been installed to help reduce conflicts between grizzly bears and humans. This project, led by Grizzly Bear Coexistence Solutions with funding from the FWCP, mean 450 fences across the East and West Kootenay have been installed since 2013. Most contain an area small to medium in size—typically less than one acre—and are primarily around chicken coops, bee yards, fruit trees, and small numbers of livestock. This year, the project also saw ten grizzly bear safety and fencing workshops delivered throughout the FWCP’s Columbia Region.
Grizzly Bear Coexistence Solutions improves grizzly bear and human coexistence through education, collaboration, and the use of practical tools. Properly installed and maintained electric fencing prevents bear conflicts with livestock and crops and reduces associated bear mortalities.
Supporting grizzly bear conservation is a priority action for the FWCP, as outlined in our Columbia Region Upland & Dryland Action Plan.
Photo: G. Sanders
Final report: executive summary
Grizzly Bear Coexistence Solutions promotes coexistence between grizzly bears and rural residents in the Columbia Region through education, collaboration, and the use of practical tools. Coexistence is made possible using correctly installed electric fencing to prevent bear conflicts and associated grizzly bear mortalities in low elevation linkage habitats that often overlap with agricultural lands. The project also provides grizzly bear safety education and bear spray training for front country and back country users. As conflicts are reduced, and people are better educated about grizzly bear behaviour and provided with tools to mitigate conflicts, there will be improved grizzly bear conservation status in the region, including enhanced connectivity between core grizzly bear populations.
This project aligns directly with FWCP Upland and Dryland, and Wetland and Riparian Action Plans. The action type is Species of Interest and the direct action is to support grizzly bear conservation actions, specifically the use of electric fencing (COLUPD.SOI.SB.24.01).
Click the provincial database link below to read the full final report for this project.