Monitoring Habitat Restoration at Apple Springs

Project Year: 2016-2017

View Provincial Database Record

Chinook Salmon: James Baxter

Project Lead

Bridge River Indian Band


Coastal Region


Project Type

Monitoring & Evaluation

FWCP Contribution


Action Plan Alignment

Bridge-Seton Salmonid Action Plan

Project ID


Apple Springs Effectiveness Monitoring Program

This project will create an effectiveness monitoring program that will evaluate and measure the effectiveness of the previous Apple Springs Salmon Habitat Restoration Project for the lower Bridge River. The initial Restoration Project involved creating a channel for adult spawning and juvenile rearing habitat at Apple Springs in the Bridge-Seton watershed, and was completed in 2009.

The purpose of this project is to ensure the original restoration project is still suitable for Coho, Chinook and Steelhead Salmon, through scientific evaluation of the initial project’s effectiveness.

Final Report: Executive Summary

This document summarizes the first effectiveness monitoring program conducted within the Applesprings Restoration Area. The initial restoration project involved the creation and implementation of a side channel and a controlled flow structure for adult spawning and juvenile rearing habitat for anadramous and resident salmonids within the Lower Bridge River (LBR). The monitoring program was developed to reduce the uncertainty surrounding the effectiveness of the Applesprings Salmon Habitat Restoration Project. This project aimed to identify the seasonal use of rearing juvenile salmonids within the side channel and rearing pond habitats, as well as categorize and map the riparian habitat by including vegetation surveys that focused on the abundance, distribution, and category of riparian, wetland, and aquatic habitat in the riparian zone adjacent to the spawning and rearing channel. Any invasive species were also documented that have colonized the site. The report provides an introduction and background information on Applesprings Restoration Area and describes the methods used to effectively monitor the area. It discusses the results and outcomes of monitoring rearing juvenile salmonids, and aquatic, riparian and terrestrial habitat; and recommends future monitoring and restoration projects within the Applesprings site.

Click the provincial database link below to read the full final report for this project.

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