Campbell River Spawning Gravel Site 9-II
The purpose of the project, led by the Campbell River Salmon Foundation, is to increase the available spawning habitat for Chinook Salmon and other riverine species by constructing a 1,700 m2 spawning gravel pad. The strategic placement of spawning gravel for Chinook Salmon in historically important areas of the main stem of the Campbell River is a priority for our Campbell River Watershed Action Plan.
Update: Chinook use new spawning habitat in the Campbell River Watershed
Spawning Chinook are using a new 2,100 m2 spawning platform installed 600 m downstream from the John Hart Generating Station in the Campbell River. Snorkel swims by Fisheries and Oceans Canada recorded spawning chinook at the site, which is estimated to increase spawning habitat for about 210 pairs of Chinook and benefit chum and pink salmon. The platform features large boulders to provide a refuge for fish and 3,300 metric tonnes of washed and screened gravel.
Final report: executive summary
The Campbell River 2020 Site 9-II gravel placement project was constructed from 4 to 12 August 2020 and involved the placement of approximately 3,300 metric tonnes of washed and screened spawning gravel into the Campbell River. The gravel was placed at Site 9, which is 600 m downstream of the BC Hydro John Hart Generating Station on the left bank and just upstream of Second Island. This is the second time the project has been completed at this site, and is therefore titled ‘Site 9-II’.
The purpose of the project was to increase the available spawning habitat for Chinook salmon and other riverine species. Strategic placement of spawning gravel for Chinook salmon in historically important areas of the mainstem Campbell River is a priority ‘Habitat Based’ action in the Campbell River Watershed Action Plan, specifically CBR.RLR.HB.13.01 Gravel placement in the Lower Campbell River-P1 (FWCP, 2017). This project also addressed a secondary ‘Monitoring and Evaluation’ action in the Campbell River Watershed Action Plan, specifically CBR.RLR.ME.23.01 Conduct gravel monitoring in the lower Campbell River-P1 (FWCP, 2017). A detailed topographic survey of the river bed before and after project construction provided a baseline dataset that can be used to monitor future conditions at the site. Additionally, high resolution aerial photographs of the site before and after the construction phase provide baseline data for future bed change comparisons.
Click the provincial database link below to read the full final report for this project.