Conserving at-risk turtles in the East Kootenay

Project Year: 2021-2022

Multi-year Project

Photo: Ben Meunier

Project Lead

Baynes Lake Community Society


Columbia Region

East Kootenay

Project Type

Species-Based Actions

FWCP Contribution


Action Plan Alignment

Small Lakes

Project ID


Using Western Painted Turtle Ecology to Inform Mitigations: Year 1

This multi-year project builds on the outcomes from an FWCP Seed Grant that incorporated citizen science to collect information on western painted turtles crossing the Jaffray Baynes Lake Road.

This new project will collect additional data to address gaps in research, advance baseline knowledge of the turtle populations, and inform effective mitigation measures to support the continued presence of turtles in Baynes Lake.

Update: Conserving at-risk western painted turtles in the East Kootenay at Baynes Lake