
How are Grant Applications Evaluated?


How are grant applications evaluated?

During Stage 2 of our review process, the FWCP’s fish and wildlife technical committees in each region review all grant applications and evaluate them for:

  1. Alignment with the FWCP’s strategic objectives (e.g., conservation, sustainable use, and community engagement).
  2. Alignment with priority actions in our Action Plans. In each Action Plan, every action has been assigned a priority of 1 (highest), 2, or 3. During the evaluation of grant applications, a proposed project that aligns with a priority 1 action will be awarded more points, and a proposed project for a priority 2or 3 action will receive fewer points.
  3. Alignment with annual regional priorities or regional guidance.
  4. Technical merit, innovation, and creativity.
  5. Deliverables and project outcomes.
  6. Team qualifications and experience.
  7. Community engagement and communications/outreach.
  8. Overall quality, accuracy, and readability of the grant application.
  9. Cost-effectiveness.

In our Peace Region, our First Nations Working Group also reviews each grant application at Stage 2 and evaluates each one for:

  1. Effective communication with First Nations about the proposed project prior to submitting a grant application;
  2. Partnership, training, or participation opportunities; and
  3. Recognition and inclusion of cultural values and traditional knowledge.

During Stage 3 of our review process, our Regional Boards review each grant application and consider the results of other evaluations, their evaluation of the grant application, and the balancing of priorities including:

  1. The balance between projects that benefit primarily fish or wildlife;
  2. The balance of projects between Action Plans;
  3. The value of funding fewer high-cost single-year projects or a several smaller-cost projects;
  4. The impact of multi-year funding on future year projects; and
  5. The balance of projects approved for funding across each of the FWCP’s three regions.

The Boards’ review and evaluation considers each grant application relative to the FWCP’s strategic objectives: conservation, sustainable use and community engagement. Board members in each region review all grant applications and evaluate them for:

  1. The benefit of the proposed project to fish or wildlife, and ecosystems, impacted by BC Hydro dams;
  2. Alignment with Action Plan objectives;
  3. Alignment with annual regional priorities or regional guidance. Additional points will be awarded during the evaluation process to applications that address one or more of the three Columbia Region priorities.
  4. Likelihood of improving or maintaining opportunities for sustainable use;
  5. Overall value of the project, including but not limited to, partnerships with First Nations and other, funding partners, in-kind contributions, and volunteers;
  6. Engagement of First Nations, public, communities and local stakeholders; and
  7. Overall quality of the grant application.