Bull Trout Guidance: Information Synthesis and Monitoring Plan

Photo: Steve Rooke

Follow our Bull Trout Guidance

The FWCP funds Bull Trout projects that align with our 2019 Bull Trout information synthesis and monitoring framework report.

The synthesis identifies Bull trout biology and limiting factors, potential enhancement opportunities, conservation status and risks and critical habitats across the FWCP Peace Region. The monitoring framework provides a recommended sequence of monitoring actions (i.e. priorities) to guide FWCP proponents in developing studies focussed on key monitoring data requirements to enable effective conservation actions including:

  1. Population data indicating conservation status and risk;
  2. Information delineating critical habitats; and
  3. Information indicating potential limiting factors

Grant applications for projects to conserve and enhance Bull Trout in our Peace Region must align with our Streams Action Plan (Actions 1c-3and 1c-4), and the monitoring needs in the information synthesis and monitoring framework report.


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