Archived Action Plans
These archived Coastal and Columbia region Action Plans are for reference only. They do not provide current guidance on priority actions, and are no longer the basis for project funding from FWCP. Any group, government agency, First Nation, business or individual interested in applying for an FWCP grant must clearly demonstrate how their proposed project aligns with Priority Actions identified in our updated 2017 Coastal Region Action Plans or our 2019 Columbia Region Action Plans.
For more information on our grants and project eligibility, visit
2014 Peace Region Archived Action Plans
Riparian and Wetlands Action Plan
Species of Interest Action Plan
2011 Coastal Region Archived Action Plans
Alouette River Watershed
Species of Interest Action Plan
Riparian & Wetlands Action Plan
Ash River Watershed
Species of Interest Action Plan
Riparian & Wetlands Action Plan
Bridge River & Seton River Watersheds
Species of Interest Action Plan
Riparian & Wetlands Action Plan
Campbell River Watershed
Species of Interest Action Plan
Riparian & Wetlands Action Plan
Cheakamus River Watershed
Species of Interest Action Plan
Riparian & Wetlands Action Plan
Clayton Falls Watershed
Clowhom River Watershed
Coquitlam-Buntzen Watershed
Species of Interest Action Plan
Riparian & Wetlands Action Plan
Falls River Watershed
Jones Creek- Wahleach Lake Watershed
Jordan River Watershed
Puntledge River Watershed
Species of Interest Action Plan
Riparian & Wetlands Action Plan
Shuswap River Watershed
Species of Interest Action Plan
Riparian & Wetlands Action Plan
Stave River Watershed
Species of Interest Action Plan
Riparian & Wetlands Action Plan
2012 Columbia Region Archived Action Plans
Upland and Dryland Action Plan
Riparian and Wetlands Action Plan