Restoring wetland on East Kootenay conservation property

Project Year: 2018-2019

View Provincial Database Record


Project Lead

The Nature Trust of British Columbia


Columbia Region

East Kootenay

Project Type

Habitat-Based Actions

FWCP Contribution


Action Plan Alignment

Riparian and Wetlands Action Plan

Project ID


Silvertip Ranch wetland restoration project

At 341 acres, The Nature Trust of British Columbia’s Silvertip Ranch is a conservation property located within the Bull River drainage that provides a key wildlife linkage and possesses significant ecological values. The ranch’s 2011 acquisition was linked to a life estate agreement, in which the Logan family continues to live and ranch on the property. The project seeks to restore a naturally appearing and functioning wet meadow and ephemeral wetland along the historic location of Douglas Creek, which is currently used as a hayfield. The project will restore a natural sub-irrigation regime, including the construction of up to 14 ephemeral wetlands alongside the floodplain of the restored Douglas Creek. A wide diversity of plants and animals will be enhanced by the proposed works.

Update: Length of Douglas Creek restored

Over 560 metres of Douglas Creek in the Bull River drainage near Fernie were restored to a functioning wetland ecosystem to support a diversity of plants and animals, including Columbia Ground Squirrels and American Badgers. Funded by the FWCP, the project transformed a hayfield into functioning creek channel and floodplain, and saw the establishment of 14 ephemeral wetland basins.

Final report: executive summary

The Nature Trust of British Columbia (NTBC) and its partners planned and implemented a stream and wetland restoration project at its Silvertip Ranch Conservation Property, in an effort to reverse the loss of a productive stream and wetland complex.

Located approximately 7 kilometres east of the community of Bull River, the property possesses a mosaic of habitat types that provide important wildlife habitat and biodiversity values. Douglas Creek bisect the property, an ephemeral creek that has been moved 2-3 times since European settlement for agricultural productivity. Prior to the restoration project, the creek was confined to a metal flume and a series of eroding ditches, with impaired ecological health and function. It is believed that a series of wet meadows and ephemeral wetlands would have been historically connected to Douglas Creek but, were lost decades ago to a hay field.

The restoration project took place in October and November 2018, after almost two years of planning and preparation, supported by a number of funding partners, consultants and contractors.


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