Maintaining ecological function by managing invasive plants in the Campbell River Watershed

Project Year: 2018-2019

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Photo: M. Comeau, CKISS

Project Lead

Discovery Coast Greenways Land Trust


Coastal Region


Project Type

Habitat-Based Actions

FWCP Contribution


Action Plan Alignment

Wetland and Riparian Areas

Project ID


Update: 5,680kgs of invasive plants removed in estuary

Yellow Flag Iris has invaded several hectares of sensitive marsh habitat in the estuary. Invasive species management is a priority #1 action of the Campbell River Watershed Action Plan (CBR.WAR. HB.31.01 Implement Wetland and Riparian Restoration Projects). Greenways Land Trust has been working to manage invasive species in the estuary for over five years. In 2018–19, 4,570 kg of Yellow Flag Iris was removed; 570 kg of Purple Loosestrife; and 540 kg of Scotch Broom and Himalayan Blackberry was sent to landfill. Treatments of broom and blackberry on 8.7 hectares of upland habitat were carried out, with disposal taking place on-site. One infestation of Japanese Knotweed was treated within the estuary, with another 11 infestations being monitored after potentially being eradicated. Two new knotweed infestations were found in areas where they are unable to be treated, due to restrictions on herbicide use. Greenways facilitated over 100 volunteers and 250 volunteer hours towards carrying out action on invasive species in 2018–19.

Restoring ecological function in the Campbell River Estuary

This project aims to restore ecological functioning in the Campbell River Estuary through management of invasive species including Yellow Flag Iris, Purple Loosestrife and Japanese Knotweed. After a century of industrial use, over $1 million has already been spent on restoring the Campbell River Estuary, but more work remains to be done to ensure that the estuary regains its historic ecological integrity and functioning. The proposed project will provide additional capacity for invasive species management that will improve the ecosystem functioning of the estuary, including protecting the provincially Red-listed “Henderson’s Checker-mallow-Tufted Hairgrass” ecological community, and habitat for the Vancouver Island beggarticks, a species of Special Concern under the Species at Risk Act.


Final report: executive summary

In 2018-19, Restoring Ecological Function in the Campbell River Estuary completed its third year focusing on providing tangible and measurable conservation benefits to the ecology of the Campbell River estuary, particularly targeting restoration of diverse wetland habitats through invasive species management.


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