New Public Rep on Columbia Region Board

Rob Neil joins Columbia Region Board

Rob Neil has been selected has the new Public Representative on our Columbia Region Board. He is a conservation biologist, having had more than four decades of experience working with fish, wildlife and habitat-related issues.

Following his recent retirement after fourteen years as the Kootenay Conservation Land’s Manager for the Nature Trust of B.C., Rob knows the region – and its fish and wildlife stakeholders – well. His selection will add to the broad knowledge and experience already on the Board.

Rob, who lives in Cranbrook, is a registered Professional Biologist. He has focused his work efforts on such topics as ungulate winter range, landscape scale planning, conservation land management, monitoring and restoration projects, and land securement.

“Being a Public Representative with the FWCP allows me to continue to be engaged with the conservation community,” says Rob. “I really appreciate this opportunity, and look forward to working with my fellow Board members and contributing to conservation efforts throughout the Columbia Region.”

Rob joins current Public Representatives Rick Morley and Dave White on our Columbia 10-member Board.

Columbia Region News